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FixNation, Inc. Operates a free full-time spay/neuter clinic for homeless cats, serves as a one-stop shop for TNR, and provides low-cost spay/neuter for tame cats.

Our primary mission is promoting awareness of sleep health, and as part of that, we’ve created some guides for pet owners about how pets, like humans, need an appropriate amount of rest. You can check out some of our work here:
How Much Sleep Do Dogs Need?     How Much Sleep Do Cats Need?

Things To Do, Vacation Ideas - WeGoPlaces.com Things To Do & Vacation Ideas. Attractions, activities, things to do, accommodations, events, restaurants and visitor information.

Support Animals for Cancer Patients Having a pet as a support animal, can be extremely beneficial to those dealing with a cancer diagnosis.

Mesothelioma in Pets Asbestos is a mineral that was once used in virtually anything, especially throughout homes and products, but was later found to cause a rare and terrible cancer called mesothelioma. Our beloved pets can sometimes even develop mesothelioma if they were exposed to asbestos, which can happen from sniffing laundry that has particles on it, being present in a room where the dust is in the air, and many other reasons.

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