Application for Employment with LA Pet Sitting
Your Name:
Full Address:
Cell Phone Number:
Email Address:
Birth Date:
Please select the types of animals you have experience with:
Are there any animals you are allergic to or do not wish to care for?
Please select the jobs you are interested in:
Cat Visits
Dog Visits
Bird Visits
Small Mammal / Rabbit Visits
Fish/Aquarium Visits
Reptile/Amphibian Visits
Dog Walking/Hiking
Overnight Stays
Pet Boarding in Your Home
Pet Transportation
What experience do you have giving medication to pets?
Pills/liquid given orally
Eye drops
Ear drops
Please describe:
Please describe any work and/or volunteer experience with pets:
Please decribe your present and/or past pets:
Please describe your current work or other source of income. Include how many hours you are available per week for pet sitting.
Please indicate if you have:
Smart Phone
Internet Access at Home
Driver's License
Reliable Vehicle
Criminal or driving offense. Describe:
Physical limitation. Describe:
Pet care references:
Are you available to work with LA Pet Sitting for at least one year?
Yes No
Please list the specific hours you are available each day of the week for pet sitting visits:
Please list dates you will be or of town or otherwise unavailable:
Holiday Availability: Please check all holidays you can confirm availability for pet sitting within the next year. 2 of the 3 Winter Holidays are required each year since that is our busiest time.
Please explain why you would be the perfect person for this job:
How did you learn of this job opportunity?